Doing Tea Time

By london_euan Last edited 233 months ago

Last Updated 27 January 2005

Doing Tea Time

herbaltea.jpgNormally the refreshment of choice for the more sedate members of society, Herbal Teas have been capturing new markets amongst London's prison population.

Apparently Wandsworth Prison has been dispensing cups of soothing herbal goodness for a few years now and other prisons such as Downview are following suit as it's "favoured by the authorities because it reduces dependence on prescription drugs".

This is all a far cry from Her Majesty's Prison Liverpool, which was recently described as "overwhelmed by the imported drug and gang culture" but we assume it's only a matter of time before they’re airlifted in a case of Chamomile.

We hope they also remember to throw in a couple of copies of the Guardian and one of those nice wood finished digital radios tuned to Radio 4.