Their House, In The Middle Of Their Street

By londonist_mark Last edited 196 months ago

Last Updated 24 January 2008

Their House, In The Middle Of Their Street

If only we'd known, we could have taken that £80 million we had squirreled away and bought ourselves a nice luxury pad in Hampstead; added that beauty spa and cinema we always wanted to go with the pool and seven kitchens - one for every day of the week!

According to Glentree Estates, who sold the property to an undisclosed buyer: it just shows you that the market is as strong as ever at the top end. Well yippee kay yay for the top end; comforting news in these uncertain economic times, and a boon for all those first time buyers out there, currently looking for a start-up home in Millets. But fret ye not, for if you don't have the requisite £50 million for the house, then prices do drop to around £35 million in the area, previously the highest price paid for a new build home.

The buyer and previous owner, thought only to have lived there for 2 days, were obviously drawn to the city by our safe streets, amenable inner city areas, and lack of violent crime. Should any of those nasty filthy poor people who still litter our streets get a little greedy or restless, any potential troubles could always be dealt with by building some bastard big wall around the property. If it hasn't already.

Image from kiki99's Flickr photostream