"I Have Done My Bit In The World Against Crap"

By Rob Last edited 233 months ago

Last Updated 25 January 2005

"I Have Done My Bit In The World Against Crap"

That has to be Londonist's favourite quote of 2005 so far.

OK, so it's a bit grammatically muddled but it's the feeling behind it that counts, and James Anstice had more than his fair share of 'feeling' late last year when he punched a waxwork of Posh Spice in the face.

Yep, the guy behind this quote is the guy who attacked the Tussaud's nativity in December last year.

James could have tried a little harder at covering his tracks though: he foolishly paid for his Madame Tussaud's ticket with a credit card, which made it pretty easy for the Met to track the 39-year-old law lecturer down.

James went to court yesterday where he was ordered to pay costs of £55 and compensation of £100.

Apart from the great quote from James another ace bit of detail was uncovered by the legal proceedings. Apparently James had actually tried to run off down the road carrying Posh Spice's head, but dropped it on to the pavement where it "smashed into pieces".

For those of you who are curious, Posh Spice's head was worth £2,500.