London Food Blog Round Up

By Londonist_Krista Last edited 208 months ago

Last Updated 31 January 2007

London Food Blog Round Up

Aidan Brooks, Trainee Chef, hits Broadway Market during a rare moment of sunshine and provides us with a little Flickr photo show of all the good stuff he finds there (the above is one of those photos).

Jess at Ripe London gets some popcorn along with her ceviche at La Bodeguita del Medio and is not pleased: "What this city needs is an honest, unfussy Cuban joint, unpretentious in a mi casa, su casa sort of way."

Jamfaced offers up a post that is not about Valentines Day,

The irony is that whilst people scramble about with booking restaurants and the like, the last place you should actually be on Valentine’s day is in a restaurant. It’s like watching a hundred car crashes over three courses.

Dos Hermanos visit Berlin and make friends with owner Volker, where they discover "mutual past indiscretions as punk and Industrial fans in the late 70’s including an unlikely devotion for Sheffield bands of the period including Cabaret Voltaire and Clock DVA."

Food and Drink in London continue their Best Burger Quest and take a walk down memory lane at Ed's Diner on Great Newport Street only to pronounce it "dreadful from start to finish, the only saving grace being that start to finish takes only about 20 minutes."

Image from Broadway Market in Hackney via Aidan Brooks, Trainee Chef