Banksy's Penis Half Removed

By Lindsey Last edited 198 months ago

Last Updated 30 November 2007

Banksy's Penis Half Removed

Hackney Council are at it again. Taking half arsed decisions on Banksys.

Last time they completely removed a stencil of a girl in a frilly dress and gas mask from Gillett Square. This time they've tried to wipe out the crude phallus being painted by the old fashioned, beard and hat sporting artist on the side of the Vietnamese restaurant in Victoria Park Road.

What are they like? A council spokesperson said: "Most people would rather not have pictures of penises daubed on walls in their area" which is fair enough. But the Banksy isn't just a picture of a penis. It's an amusing piece of street art commenting on art and artists. And now it's half cocked.

We have to ask the question: Are Hackney Council really that silly or is it just an underhand ruse to provoke Banksy to emerge from the shadows, unmask himself once more and fix it?

Portrait of the artist courtesy of unusualimage2004's Flickrstream. Unbelievably, we couldn't find a Creative Commons licenced image of the Hackney phallus artist on Flickr. Can you?